Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby Update!

For those who haven't heard yet, we got a call yesterday, that there was a baby at the hospital who needed foster parents.

For those who have already asked, or who haven't asked but will:  

He is a foster baby.  
Permanency is up in the air.
We did not get to name him.
Yes I am already attached.

So.  I can't share too many details.  But here's what I can share:

Baby Boy is one month old (yesterday).  He is on some medications, which we had to learn to administer, and a heart/apnea monitor, which we had to learn to operate.  The monitor is a precaution because of the meds he is on; they are NOT for existing heart/breathing issues.

He has a goofy name (not new for us, as some of you know!), and after some family discussion, we have decided that we are going to call him Ty.  It fits him really well actually!  And this way, I can call him "Ty" here and won't reveal his actual name :-).

So far, he really likes to be held.  I am hoping I can get him swaddled up good and tight so that he will sleep in the crib and I can at least get a little sleep at night!

I am LOVING baby-wearing, just like I knew I would.  I used my carrier earlier today at my mom's, and he fell right to sleep in it; right now I am using a sling I got for free with a promo code, and he is sound asleep once again.  This one is better because I can type while holding him!  I am hoping for another promo code to show up in my email soon so I can order another one ;-)

The kids love him.  I anticipate the typical adjustment period for Kaleigh, but trying to plan for that and make sure she still gets her "Mom time" and is included in helping with Ty.  The boys are already past the "new baby" phase and are back to "life as preteen/teen boys."  The dog is very curious and interested, but handling the whole situation really well.

I have to say, I have not been this tired since we got our first two kiddos three and a half years ago.  It was nice to have a little notice this time though! 

I think that's the basics for now.  Please please please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!  Right now, my main concern is that he sleep at night; not necessarily through the night, but at least long enough that I can get some sleep too!  Thanks all!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaNo Update

Well, I promised a few people I would try to keep them updated on my NaNo progress.

Here is my first update:

I am behind.

Due primarily to the content of my first update, this is as much of an update I have time to provide right now.