If you don't know me IRL or aren't friends with me on Facebook, then you probably haven't yet heard the news....
I am a published author!
You can follow my Facebook page here.
You can find/follow my website here, where you will also find links to my Author's blog. There you can follow everything going on in my Leigh Michaels world, which you probably will not see much of here on The Shan Clan blog :-).
OH yeah, and you can find my book for purchase here. Currently the paperback version is unavailable on Amazon, but should be available again in a couple of days. (ETA: The paperback version is back in the Amazon store - that was fast!) You can also purchase the paperback version here.
In a few months, the book will also be available in the Nook, Kobo, and iBooks digital stores.
I hope you all will at least come follow my Facebook page and Author's blog! I am in the process of working on books 2 and 3 - so keeping very busy with all the writing, in addition to the parenting and the homeschooling and the court stuff, etc.
Thanks for stopping by!