Well, the kids and I have been continuing our morning devotions, but I have been so busy of late that I haven't had the chance to type them up as posts. We haven't even been to the Y in the last couple of weeks, because we've had so much to do that I worry about not having that extra two hours every morning to stay on top of things. I'm hoping after next week (my brother and sister-in-law are coming for an early Christmas), we will be able to get back into the swing of things.
Because of the values we want to teach our children about Christmas and gifts, we decided to put some guidelines on the adult gift-giving as well. We always put a limit out there (some are better at following it than others. Just sayin'.), but this year we also added a "creativity" caveat. Now, some of us will be better at following that than others, too. Some of us are having a lot of fun with that, too.
Yesterday, the kids and I went to Michael's to search for Thanksgiving crafts. (Wait til you see what we came out with.) And of course, in traditional Michael's style, the first aisle (the main aisle, the aisle you have to walk down to get to all other aisles) was fully stocked with a variety of Christmas crafts. So, after retrieving the supplies for our Thanksgiving crafts, we returned to the main aisle and each of the kids hunted down a project they could make for the members of their extended family (4 calling grandparents, 3 French uncles, and an aunt in a pear tree. Or, maybe not.). Anyway, they had a blast; they've never picked out individual gifts to give people before (last year, Christmas was a little... weird. And stressed. Very stressed.) I'm hoping they will learn something about giving this year, rather than focusing on "what I'm getting."
In other holiday preparation, I have to say that while I was feeling guilty about being glad that my mother basically ordered me not to make a single thing for Thanksgiving dinner, I am completely over that now. She assured me that she wants to make it all, and I assured her that I am more than happy to not have to worry about it this year. Also, I bought a box's worth of assorted wines as my offering to the festivities, so that certainly didn't hurt in helping to assuage my guilt.
Ryan will not be with us this year for Thanksgiving; we get him every other year, and this is not our year. In the past, when he has been with us, he has spent time at my mom's house during the day or two before the big day, helping to prepare the big feast. Last year, he spent two nights, making his brother very jealous. Well, this year is Hunter's turn. Tomorrow, he gets to go to Grandma's house and spend the night, helping her with all the cooking and baking. He's very excited. I'm rather excited myself. I wonder if I can find anyone to take the other little monster.
Just kidding. Sort of.
Actually, she and her daddy are going to spend some much-needed time together while I camp out at the bookstore and catch up on the writing that I've gotten sorely behind on this week.
Well, I guess that's all there is to share on the holiday prep stuff, at least for now. There actually is a lot more that I really really want to share, but can't, since it would spoil the fun for a few of you. You know who - oh, wait, no you don't know who you are. Buahuahahahahahahaha.
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