There is a nasty bug going around these parts, and it has infested our home. Randy and Kaleigh got the respiratory part of it; Ryan got the stomach part of it; Hunter and I have not gotten any of it yet. I, however, appear to have a bit of a sinus infection. I'm doing my best to fight it with vitamins, juice, tea, and my Neti pot.
My final project - a group project - is due in tonight's class. My final project for the other class is due next week. My last class period for tonight's class is next week, and the take home final exam is due the week after that. It is so nice to be within sight of the end of the semester. It is really hard to believe how quickly the semester has gone, especially when I think back to the first day of class, when I drove to campus literally in tears over the amount of work and seriously considering dropping my classes. That level of freak-out-ness was one I hadn't experienced in about seven years. Now that it's almost done, it doesn't seem like nearly as much work as it looked like on paper three months ago.
I completed my NaNo on Tuesday night with an extra 400+ words and two hours to spare. It was the first time since beginning the annual challenge that I have not still been pounding frantically on my keyboard at 11:58 p.m. on November 30. It was also the first year I worked on two novels simultaneously, which I think helped a lot with my writer's block issues (they are common and frequent). It also leaves me with a lot more to work on in the next few months, but I am actually looking forward to it. I am very pleased with the way both storylines are going right now, and I feel good about the ideas I chose this year.
Hunter also participated this year, in the NaNo Young Writer's Program. He also reached his goal of 3000 words, with a few extra words as well. He also completed his story. Next week, we will spend some time together editing it, during which time I will get to read it for the very first time. I am very excited about that. He gets a free printed copy of his little novel, which he and I both think is pretty awesome.
Speaking of school - oh, wait, I really wasn't speaking of school. Well, Hunter's novel was part of his school for the month of November. There, I mentioned it. Now speaking of school, Hunter is doing very well. His math still leaves room for improvement, but it is improving, which is good. Everything else is also improving, and it is obvious to everyone that he is quite intelligent. In fact, this writing project makes it even more obvious.
My brother and sister-in-law are here, and because of our illnesses, I haven't been able to see them yet. Tomorrow night, we are having Christmas with them at my mom's house. I am very excited about giving them their gifts from us. And nervous. I hope they like them. Speaking of which, I still have one of them to finish up today - and maybe tomorrow; we'll see how today goes.
My mom is so wonderful that she is going to take my kiddos today a couple of hours early. She usually comes to our house on Thursdays to watch them while I go to class. Today she asked if I could meet her with them and she could take them to her house, since my brother and sister-in-law are here. Of course I didn't mind a bit, and since I'm not feeling well - and just generally need a little time to myself - she offered to take them early so I could have that. She is such a great mom - all the time and in lots of ways, but this is just one of the ways she proves it.
Love you, Mom :).
GO you on the NaNo! Very well done. :)
ReplyDeleteHope you all get over the virus... we've been passing around a stomach bug and it's been unpleasant, to say the least.