Monday, September 3, 2012

Plans Change & Time Flies (Alternately Titled, "School Starts Tomorrow")

Last week, we had all kinds of plans for this weekend.  But then life happened.  So instead of the get-togethers we had planned, we watched movies and played board games and video games and watched more movies.  I think we all actually needed a couple of days of doing nothing to relax and get ready for a strong start to the new school year.

Exactly one year ago this weekend, we were up north at my uncle's cabin.  It was just the five of us - we didn't have Liam until two months after we got home.  

On that note, I cannot believe it is already September.  I can't believe tomorrow morning, our house will wake up with a junior in high school (!!!), a seventh grader, and a first grader.  I can't believe that next month we will have a one year old, the next month he will have been with us a year, and then it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas all over again.  When I was in high school, someone told me that the older I got, the faster time would go.  I figured it was true, but I just couldn't fathom HOW fast time could actually fly.  It definitely makes me want to savor and appreciate every moment of every day.  It doesn't always happen, but I do appreciate a lot more moments than I used to.

So, our days of relaxing come to an end with a good night's sleep.  And our new week begins bright and early tomorrow morning with a trip to the Y.

Night all!

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